The RMP Motion Controller APIs

An object for interacting with a RapidSequencer process. More...

Static Functions

static TaskID TaskIDFromString (string taskId)
 Creates a TaskID object from the given string.


 RapidSequencer (string grpcAddr, int grpcPort, uint connectTimeoutMs=CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS, uint connectAttempts=CONNECT_ATTEMPTS)
 Constructs a RapidSequencer object.
string CommandLineRun (string command)
 Command the RapidSequencer to execute a given line and return the output.
CompileSuccess Compile (string path, string entryPoint=DEFAULT_ENTRY_POINT, string exceptionHandler="")
 Compiles the script at the given path. If successful, saves this compilation result to run at a later point.
void DebugBreakpointRemove (string taskId, ulong lineNumber)
 Removes any breakpoints at the given line number in the specified task.
void DebugBreakpointSet (string taskId, ulong lineNumber)
 Places a breakpoint at the given line number in the specified task.
void DebugPause (string taskId)
 Pauses the specified task.
void DebugResume (string taskId)
 Resumes the specified task.
void DebugStep (string taskId)
 Proceeds to the next line of the specified task and pauses.
void DebugStepIn (string taskId)
 Enters the called function at the current line of the specified task. If unable to enter a function, behaves the same as DebugStep().
void DebugStepOut (string taskId)
 Exits the execution of the currently executing function in the specified task. Pauses at the line the function was called at.
void EngineStart (string rmpNode="NodeA", string rmpPath="")
 Starts the runtime of the RapidSequencer process.
EngineStatus EngineStatusGet ()
 Gets the status of the RapidSequencer process.
void EngineStop ()
 Stops the runtime of the RapidSequencer process.
SequencerGlobal GlobalVariableGet (string name)
 Gets the value of the global variable with the given name.
SequencerGlobal[] GlobalVariableListGet (bool skipValues=false)
 Gets the status of the global variables.
void GlobalVariableSet (string name, SequencerGlobal.DataType type, dynamic value)
 Sets the value of the specified global variable.
string IpGet ()
 Returns the IPv4 address the RapidSequencer process is located at.
int PortGet ()
 Returns the port the RapidSequencer proecess is listening on.
string Run (CompileSuccess compileSuccess, ulong[] breakpoints=null)
 Run the script using the given compilation result. Waits for the script to finish execution. Returns the ID of the resulting task.
string Run (ulong[] breakpoints=null)
 Run the last compiled script. Waits for the script to finish execution. Returns the ID of the resulting task.
string RunAsync (CompileSuccess compileSuccess, ulong[] breakpoints=null)
 Run the script using the given compilation result. Does not wait for the script to finish excecution. Returns the ID of the resulting task. ///.
string RunAsync (ulong[] breakpoints=null)
 Run the last compiled script. Does not wait for the script to finish excecution. Returns the ID of the resulting task.
void Shutdown ()
 Shuts down the RapidSequencer process.
string TaskOutputGet (string taskId)
 Gets the string output of the specified task.
void TaskPause (string taskId)
 Pauses the specified task.
void TaskRemove (string taskId)
 Removes the specified task. Task must be stopped to be removed, throws an exception if the removal fails.
void TaskResume (string taskId)
 Resumes the specified task.
TaskStatus TaskStatusGet (string taskId)
 Gets the status of the specified task as a TaskStatus struct.
void TaskStop (string taskId)
 Stops the specified task.
string WarningsGet ()
 Returns the warnings from the last compilation the RapidSequencer performed.

Static Attributes

const uint CONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 3
 The default number of connection attempts to make during object construction.
const uint CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000
 The default timeout for creating a connection is 1000 milliseconds.
const string DEFAULT_ENTRY_POINT = "main"
 The name of the default function the RapidSequencer will use when running a script.


Maintains a connection to a RapidSequencer process and allows users to perform operations such as compiling and running scripts and polling the status of the process and any running tasks.

Definition at line 63 of file RapidSequencer.cs.