MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
Sample Apps Changelog

RapidCode API

#include "rsi.h" // Import our RapidCode Library.
#include "HelperFunctions.h" // Import our SampleApp helper functions.
void AbsoluteMotionMain()
using namespace RSI::RapidCode;
const int AXIS_NUMBER = 0; // Specify which axis/motor to control.
const int USER_UNITS = 1048576; // Specify your counts per unit / user units. (the motor used in this sample app has 1048576 encoder pulses per revolution)
const int POSITION = 10; // Specify which position to travel to.
const int VELOCITY = 5; // Specify your velocity - units: Units/Sec (it will do "10485760 counts/10 motor revolution per second)
const int ACCELERATION = 10; // Specify your acceleration - units: Units/Sec^2
const int DECELERATION = 10; // Specify your deceleration - units: Units/Sec^2
char rmpPath[] = "C:\\RSI\\X.X.X\\"; // Insert the path location of the RMP.rta (usually the RapidSetup folder)
// Initialize MotionController class.
MotionController *controller = MotionController::CreateFromSoftware(/*rmpPath*/); // NOTICE: Uncomment "rmpPath" if project directory is different than rapid setup directory.
SampleAppsCPP::HelperFunctions::CheckErrors(controller); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialize correctly.
SampleAppsCPP::HelperFunctions::StartTheNetwork(controller); // [Helper Function] Initialize the network.
Axis *axis = controller->AxisGet(AXIS_NUMBER); // initialize Axis class
SampleAppsCPP::HelperFunctions::CheckErrors(axis); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialize correctly.
axis->UserUnitsSet(USER_UNITS); // Specify the counts per Unit.
axis->PositionSet(0); // Make sure motor starts at position 0 everytime.
axis->ErrorLimitTriggerValueSet(1); // Set the position error trigger value
axis->Abort(); // If there is any motion happening, abort it.
axis->ClearFaults(); // Clear faults.
axis->AmpEnableSet(true); // Enable the motor.
printf("Absolute Move\n\n");
printf("Trapezoidal Profile: In Motion...\r");
axis->MoveTrapezoidal(POSITION, VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, DECELERATION); //Command simple trapezoidal motion
axis->MotionDoneWait(); // Wait for motion to be done.
axis->AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the motor.
printf("Trapezoidal Profile: Completed\n\n");
catch (RsiError const& err)
printf("%s\n", err.text); // If there are any exceptions/issues this will be printed out.
controller->Delete(); // Delete the controller as the program exits to ensure memory is deallocated in the correct order.
system("pause"); // Allow time to read Console.