MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
Sample Apps Changelog

RapidCode API

using RSI.RapidCode.dotNET; // Import our RapidCode Library.
using RSI.RapidCode.dotNET.Enums;
namespace SampleAppsCS
class PTmotion
static void Main(string[] args)
// Constants
const int AXIS_NUMBER = 0; // Specify which axis/motor to control.
const int USER_UNITS = 1048576; // Specify your counts per unit / user units. (the motor used in this sample app has 1048576 encoder pulses per revolution)
int points = 3; // Specify the total number of streamed points.
int emptyCount = -1; // E-stop generated if there are this number or fewer frames loaded. Use the value “0” to trigger an E-stop when the buffer is empty, or “-1” to not trigger an E-stop. (Typically for PT motion there are two frames per PT point)
double[] positions = { 2.0, 5.0, 0.0 }; // Specify the positions that you want to reach. (it can be n number)
double[] times = { 2.0, 3.0, 1.0 }; // Specify the times in which you want to reach each position. (velocity and acceleration is calculated by the RMP)
// Initialize RapidCode Objects
MotionController controller = MotionController.CreateFromSoftware(/*@"C:\RSI\X.X.X\"*/); // Insert the path location of the RMP.rta (usually the RapidSetup folder)
SampleAppsCS.HelperFunctions.CheckErrors(controller); // [Helper Function] Check that the controller has been initialized correctly.
SampleAppsCS.HelperFunctions.StartTheNetwork(controller); // [Helper Function] Initialize the network.
Axis axis = controller.AxisGet(AXIS_NUMBER); // Initialize the axis.
SampleAppsCS.HelperFunctions.CheckErrors(axis); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialized correctly.
axis.MovePT(RSIMotionType.RSIMotionTypePT, // Specify the type of PT Motion that you want to perform. (RSIMotionType.RSIMotionTypePT, RSIMotionType.RSIMotionTypeBSPLINE, RSIMotionType.RSIMotionTypeBSPLINE2)
positions, // Specify the positions that you want to reach. (it can be n number)
times, // Specify the times in which you want to reach each position. (velocity and acceleration is calculated by the RMP)
points, // Specify the total number of streamed points.
emptyCount, // E-stop generated if there are this number or fewer frames loaded. Use the value “0” to trigger an E-stop when the buffer is empty, or “-1” to not trigger an E-stop. (Typically for PT motion there are two frames per PT point)
false, // Specify whether points are kept, or are not kept.
true); // Specify if this is the last MovePT. (If True, this is the final point. If False, more points expected.)
axis.MotionDoneWait(); // Wait for motion to be completed.