MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
Sample Apps Changelog

RapidCode API

#include <windows.h> // this is only needed if you try to set the windows thread priority#include "rsi.h" // Import our RapidCode Library.
#include "HelperFunctions.h" // Import our SampleApp helper functions.
using namespace RSI::RapidCode;
const int SYNC_PERIOD = (1); // interrupt every SynqNet/MotionController sample
const int AXIS_COUNT = (6); // how many axes will we process each sample
const double MS_PER_SECOND = (1000.0);
void syncInterruptMain()
Axis *axes[AXIS_COUNT];
double encoderPositions[AXIS_COUNT];
short torqueOutputs[AXIS_COUNT] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
long currentCounter = 0;
long previousCounter = 0;
long deltaSamples = 0;
long iterations = 0;
unsigned long cpuFreq = 0;
double deltaTime = 0.0;
double minTime = 1000000.0;
double maxTime = 0.0;
long i = 0;
long errorCount = 0;
// create and Initialize MotionController class. (PCI board)
// get Axis objects from MotionController
for (i = 0; i < AXIS_COUNT; i++)
axes[i] = controller->AxisGet(i);
// disable the service thread if using the controller Sync interrupt
// Get CPU frequency from Operating System performance counter
cpuFreq = controller->OS->PerformanceTimerFrequencyGet();
printf("CPU Frequency is: %u Hz\n", cpuFreq);
// See how much total time is available for Sync interrupt processing (before SynqNet buffer is DMA'd)
printf("Host will have %ld microseconds to process data.\n", controller->SyncInterruptHostProcessTimeGet());
// it will be required to set a high thread priority here for Windows... you really should have an RTOS
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
// configure a Sync interrupt for every sample
// enable controller interrupts
// wait for someone to press a key
while (controller->OS->KeyGet(RSIWaitPOLL) < 0)
// wait for the controller's Sync interrupt
// see if we exceeded our processing time during the previous interrupt
// did we take too long processing the previous interrupt?
if (controller->SyncInterruptHostProcessStatusBitGet() == true)
printf("\n\n Oops, we took too long processing the last interrupt. \n");
// clear the Host Process Status Bit
// see how long it's been since last interrupt
currentCounter = controller->OS->PerformanceTimerCountGet();
deltaSamples = currentCounter - previousCounter;
previousCounter = currentCounter;
deltaTime = (double)(deltaSamples * (double)(1 / (double)cpuFreq)) * MS_PER_SECOND;
if (iterations > 1) // ignore first time through
if (deltaTime > maxTime)
maxTime = deltaTime;
if (deltaTime < minTime)
minTime = deltaTime;
printf("IRQ %ld: %3.3lf ms Min: %3.3lf Max: %3.3lf \n", iterations, deltaTime, minTime, maxTime);
// tell the controller firmware that we are going to do some calculations
// Get Encoder Positions
for (int i = 0; i < AXIS_COUNT; i++)
encoderPositions[i] = axes[i]->EncoderPositionGet(RSIMotorFeedbackPRIMARY);
// do calculations here
// Set Torque Outputs
for (int i = 0; i < AXIS_COUNT; i++)
axes[i]->FilterCoeffSet(RSIFilterGainPIDCoeffOUTPUT_OFFSET, 0, torqueOutputs[i]); // gain table 0
// tell the controller firmware that we have finished our calculations
iterations++; // used for printing info
// turn off Sync Interrupt
catch (RsiError const& err)
printf("\n%s\n", err.text);
printf("Press a key to exit.\n");
while (controller->OS->KeyGet(RSIWaitPOLL) < 0)
controller->OS->Sleep(100); //ms
controller->Delete(); // Delete the controller as the program exits to ensure memory is deallocated in the correct order.
system("pause"); // Allow time to read Console.