MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
Sample Apps Changelog

RapidCode API

#include <cassert>
#include "rsi.h" // Import our RapidCode Library.
using namespace RSI::RapidCode;
void PrintUpdateBufferErrors(RapidCodeObject *rsiClass)
RsiError *err;
bool hasError = rsiClass->ErrorLogCountGet() > 0;
while (rsiClass->ErrorLogCountGet() > 0)
err = rsiClass->ErrorLogGet();
printf("%s\n", err->text);
if (hasError)
void PrintUpdateBufferNetworkErrors(MotionController *rsiClass)
char *err;
bool hasError = rsiClass->NetworkLogMessageCountGet() > 0;
while (rsiClass->NetworkLogMessageCountGet() > 0)
err = rsiClass->NetworkLogMessageGet(0);
printf("%s\n", err);
if (hasError)
void updateBufferPointsMain()
const double TIME_SLICE = 0.001; // 0.001s = 1ms
const int AXIS_COUNT = 1; // number of axes
const int REVS = 5; // number of revolutions
const int RPS = 1; // revs / sec
const int CPS = (int)std::powl(2, 20); // encoder counts per rev (set as appropiate)
const int TOTAL_POINTS = (int)(REVS / TIME_SLICE / RPS); // total number of points
const int BUFFER_SZ = 100; // Number of points to send in a buffer
const int EMPTY_CT = 10; // Number of points that remains in the beffer before an e-stop
// Initizalize the controller from software w/ multiple axes
MotionController *controller;
MultiAxis *multiAxis;
try {
// add an additional axis for the multiaxis supervisor
controller->MotionCountSet(AXIS_COUNT + 1);
// create the multiaxis using the ID of the first free axis (0 indexed)
multiAxis = controller->MultiAxisGet(AXIS_COUNT);
// populate the multiaxis
for (int i = 0; i < AXIS_COUNT; i++)
Axis *tempAxis;
tempAxis = controller->AxisGet(i);
// populate the positions and times
std::vector<double> positions, times;
for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_POINTS; i += AXIS_COUNT)
positions.push_back(i * TIME_SLICE * RPS);
// prepare the controller (and drive)
assert(multiAxis->StateGet() == RSIState::RSIStateIDLE);
// reset the motion ID to 0
multiAxis->MovePT(RSIMotionType::RSIMotionTypePT, &positions[0], &times[0], 1, -1, false, true);
// Establish how to keep track of what blocks have been sent
int curMotionElementID = 0, curMotionID = 0, finalMotionID = 0;
int numPointsToSend = BUFFER_SZ;
int endOfLastSent = 0;
bool exitCondition = false;
// Set up a motion hold gate so we can start buffering blocks
const int motionHoldGate = 3;
controller->MotionHoldGateSet(motionHoldGate, true);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
multiAxis->MovePT(RSIMotionType::RSIMotionTypePT, &positions[0] + endOfLastSent * AXIS_COUNT, &times[0] + endOfLastSent, numPointsToSend, EMPTY_CT, false, exitCondition);
endOfLastSent += numPointsToSend;
// Set up the interrupt frequency period
controller->SyncInterruptPeriodSet(10); // this generates an interrupt every x cycles of a 1KHz sample rate
// With our timeslices of 1ms, this is 10*1ms=10ms
controller->MotionHoldGateSet(motionHoldGate, false); // release the hold gate to start moving
while (!exitCondition)
int32 sampleRecieved = controller->SyncInterruptWait(); // see above for timing
curMotionID = multiAxis->MotionIdExecutingGet(); // this takes an unspecified amount of time (non-rtos) so this is going to be called sometime after the interrupt gets handled.
// There's an additional delay to retrieve the data as well.
curMotionElementID = multiAxis->MotionElementIdExecutingGet();
Each MovePT assigns a new MotionID for each call to a move update (with the bufferred points)
Working under the assumption that each Buffer gets a new ID, send two (or several) smaller ones
and when the change in IDs is greater than some number, send a new one
// change this logic to manage the number of buffered moves (and points) as appropiate
// generate points as appropiate
if (std::abs(finalMotionID - curMotionID) < 2)
// check end condition
if (TOTAL_POINTS <= (endOfLastSent + BUFFER_SZ))
numPointsToSend = TOTAL_POINTS - endOfLastSent; // send the remaining points
exitCondition = true;
multiAxis->MovePT(RSIMotionType::RSIMotionTypePT, &positions[0] + endOfLastSent * AXIS_COUNT, &times[0] + endOfLastSent, numPointsToSend, EMPTY_CT, false, exitCondition);
printf("MotionID %d\nEnd of Last Sent %d\nElement ID %d\nNum to Send %d\nIs Done %s\n===========================================\n\n",
curMotionID, endOfLastSent, curMotionElementID, numPointsToSend, exitCondition ? "yes" : "no");
endOfLastSent += numPointsToSend;
printf("Updates Done. Waiting to finish motion.\n");
printf("Motion Complete. Final Motion ID: %d\tFinal Element ID %d\n", multiAxis->MotionIdExecutingGet(), multiAxis->MotionElementIdExecutingGet());
catch (RsiError const& err) {
printf("\n%s\n", err.text);