MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
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RapidCode API


Drive Based AKD Homing sample application.

Drive based homing is one of many methods that exist to home a servo motor. RSI encourages this homing method over all others because it avoids network latencies. Since the AKD drive does not follow the DS402 standard completely, we created this sample application to help you home your servo motor with an AKD drive. This sample application is meant to be used by AKD drives only.

This sample code presumes that the user has set the tuning paramters(PID, PIV, etc.) prior to running this program so that the motor can rotate in a stable manner.
This is a sample program to assist in the integration of your motion controller with your application. It may not contain all of the logic and safety features that your application requires.
#include "rsi.h" // Import our RapidCode Library.
#include "HelperFunctions.h" // Import our SampleApp helper functions.
#include <thread> // std::this_thread::sleep_for
void HomingWithAKDdriveMain()
using namespace RSI::RapidCode;
// Constants
const int AXIS_NUMBER = 0; // Specify which axis/motor to control.
const int modeOfOpIndex = 0x6060; // Mode of Operation (DS402 Standard)
const int modeOfOpSubindex = 0x0; // Subindex
const int modeOfOpByteSize = 1; // INTEGER8 (1 byte)
const int modeOfOpValueToHOME = 6; // Hex value to determine Mode (6 = Homing mode)
const int modeOfOpValueToDEFAULT = 8; // Hex value to determine Mode (8 = Cyclic synchronous position mode)
char rmpPath[] = "C:\\RSI\\X.X.X\\"; // Insert the path location of the RMP.rta (usually the RapidSetup folder)
// Initialize MotionController class.
MotionController *controller = MotionController::CreateFromSoftware(/*rmpPath*/); // NOTICE: Uncomment "rmpPath" if project directory is different than rapid setup directory.
SampleAppsCPP::HelperFunctions::CheckErrors(controller); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialize correctly.
SampleAppsCPP::HelperFunctions::StartTheNetwork(controller); // [Helper Function] Initialize the network.
Axis *axis = controller->AxisGet(AXIS_NUMBER); // Initialize Axis Class. (Use RapidSetup Tool to see what is your axis number)
SampleAppsCPP::HelperFunctions::CheckErrors(axis); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialize correctly.
axis->ErrorLimitActionSet(RSIAction::RSIActionNONE); // Position Error must be disabled for drive based homing.
axis->NetworkNode->ServiceChannelWrite(modeOfOpIndex, modeOfOpSubindex, modeOfOpByteSize, modeOfOpValueToHOME); // Mode of Operation (Homing Mode = 6)
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("DRV.OPMODE 2"); // Sets the drive operation mode (0 - current | 1 = velocity | 2 = position).
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.AUTOMOVE 0"); // 0 = Disabled | 1 = Homing starts when drive is enabled.
// Make sure you know your motor's position, velocity, and acceleration units before you send any values.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("DIN5.MODE 18"); // Sets the digital input modes. - DI5 is now our Positive Limit Switch.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("DIN5.INV 1"); // Sets the indicated polarity of a digital input mode. - DI5 is now active when Low.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("DIN6.MODE 19"); // Sets the digital input modes. - DI6 is now our Negative Limit Switch.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("DIN6.INV 1"); // Sets the indicated polarity of a digital input mode. - DI6 is now active when Low.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.MODE 1"); // Selects the homing method; active in opmode 2 (position) only. MODE1 = Find limit input
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.V 20"); // Sets homing velocity; active in opmode 2 (position) only.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.ACC 200"); // Sets homing acceleration; active in opmode 2 (position) only.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.DEC 200"); // Sets homing deceleration; active in opmode 2 (position) only.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.DIR 0"); // Sets homing direction; active in opmode 2 (position) only. (0 = negative | 1 = positive)
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.P 0"); // Sets home position; active in opmode 2 (position) only.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.DIST 0"); // Sets homing distance; active in opmode 2 (position) only.
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.MAXDIST 0"); // Sets the maximum distance the motor is allowed to move during the homing routine. (Disabled when value = 0)
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.IPEAK"); // Sets the current limit during homing procedure to a mechanical stop; active in opmode 2 (position) only.
axis->Abort(); // Disable axis->
axis->ClearFaults(); // Clear any faults.
axis->AmpEnableSet(true); // Enable the axis->
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // Allow time for amp enable
axis->NetworkNode->AKDASCIICommand("HOME.MOVE"); // Starts a homing procedure; active in opmode 2 (position) only.
uint16_t statusWordValue;
int isHomedvalue = 0;
while (isHomedvalue != 1) // When isHomedValue = 1, homing has finished.
statusWordValue = axis->NetworkNode->StatusWordGet(0); // Get the status word value (index 0x6060).
isHomedvalue = statusWordValue >> 12; // Get the 12th bit only. This bit tells us homing is done when it goes HIGH.
printf("\nAxis homed.");
// 7. CLEAN UP
axis->Abort(); // Disable the axis->
axis->NetworkNode->ServiceChannelWrite(modeOfOpIndex, modeOfOpSubindex, modeOfOpByteSize, modeOfOpValueToDEFAULT); // Mode of Operation (Homing Mode = 6)
catch (RsiError const& err)
printf("%s\n", err.text); // If there are any exceptions/issues this will be printed out.
controller->Delete(); // Delete the controller as the program exits to ensure memory is deallocated in the correct order.
system("pause"); // Allow time to read Console.