MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
Sample Apps Changelog

RapidCode API


Two Condition Digital Input User Limit sample application.

This sample code shows how to configure the RMP controller's User Limits to compare an two different input bits to a specific signal (high signal (1) OR low signal (0)). If the (2 conditions) patterns match, then the specified output bit is activated (turns high).

In this example we configure a user limit to trigger when both our INPUTS turns high(1). Once the INPUTS turn high(1) then our user limit will set the OUTPUT to high(1).

The INPUTS are specified in two different UserLimitConditionSet()
The OUTPUT is specified in UserLimitOutputSet()

In this example Beckhoff IO Terminals (Model EL1088 for Inputs and Model EL2008 for outputs) were used to control the Digital IO signals.

Make sure to check the correct digital IO signal indexes of your system in: RapidSetup -. Tools -. NetworkIO

This sample code presumes that the user has set the tuning paramters(PID, PIV, etc.) prior to running this program so that the motor can rotate in a stable manner.
This is a sample program to assist in the integration of your motion controller with your application. It may not contain all of the logic and safety features that your application requires.