MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
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RapidCode API

◆ RecorderRecordDataRetrieveBulk()

int32 RecorderRecordDataRetrieveBulk ( int32  recorderNumber,
int32  recordCount 
pure virtual

Retrieve a group of records of recorded data.

RecorderRecordDataRetrieveBulk retrieves a group of records from the Recorder, and stores it in the MotionController.
recorderNumberThe index of the recorder. 0 to 63 by default.
recordCountThe count of records to be read. 1 to 1024. Internally limited.
The number of records which were retrieved from the Recorder to Controller memory.
Sample Code:
int recorderNumber = 0; //First Recorder
int numRecordedValues = 7; //Whatever you actually set to record.
int countToRead = 1024; //Max - Internally limited.
int recordsFound = controller.RecorderRecordDataRetrieveBulk(recorderNumber, countToRead);
for(int i = 0; i < recordsFound; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < numRecordedValues; j++)
{ //Assuming each value is a double in this case. You should know type base don what you selected to record.
Console.WriteLine("recordData " + i.ToString() + "," + j.ToString() + " : " + controller.RecorderRecordDataDoubleGet(recorderNumber, i, j) );
See also