MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
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RapidCode API


The RapidCodeOS object provides access to operating system (Windows) features. Accessible via MotionController . More...


Operating System
virtual void Sleep (int32 milliseconds)=0
 Put the current thread to sleep. More...
virtual int32 KeyGet (int32 milliseconds)=0
 Wait for a key to be pressed and return its value. More...
virtual int32 TimerCountGet ()=0
 Gets the time since startup. More...
virtual int32 TimerFrequencyGet ()=0
 Get the number milliseconds per second. More...
virtual int32 PerformanceTimerCountGet ()=0
 Gets the current high performance counter value. More...
virtual int32 PerformanceTimerFrequencyGet ()=0
 Gets the frequency of the performance counter. More...


The RapidCodeOS object provides access to operating system (Windows) features. Accessible via MotionController .

The RapidCodeOS object is a base class.

RapidCodeOS is primarily responsible for handling timer/sleep functionality. The most common example uses of which are:

while (controller->OS->KeyGet(RSIWaitPOLL) < 0) // Hold Execution in a while loop until a key is pressed.
// and/or
controller->OS->Sleep(timeInMilliseconds); // Hold Execution until a certain amount of time has passed.