MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
Sample Apps Changelog

RapidCode API

using RSI.RapidCode.dotNET; // Import our RapidCode Library.
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace SampleAppsCS
class HomingWithDS402drive
static void Main(string[] args)
// Constants
const int AXIS_NUMBER = 0; // Specify which axis/motor to control.
const int offsetIndex = 0x607C; // Homing Offset.
const int offsetSubindex = 0x0; //
const int offsetByteSize = 4; //
const int offsetValue = 0; //
const int methodIndex = 0x6098; // Home Method
const int methodSubindex = 0x0; //
const int methodByteSize = 1; //
const int methodValue = 24; //
const int targetSpeedIndex = 0x6099; // Speed To Switch
const int targetSpeedSubindex = 0x1; //
const int targetSpeedByteSize = 4; //
const int targetSpeedValue = 2; //
const int originSpeedIndex = 0x6099; // Speed to Zero
const int originSpeedSubindex = 0x2; //
const int orignSpeedByteSize = 4; //
const int originSpeedValue = 10; //
const int accelerationIndex = 0x609A; // Homing Acceleration
const int accelerationSubindex = 0x0; //
const int accelerationByteSize = 4; //
const int accelerationValue = 100; //
const int modeOfOpIndex = 0x6060; // Mode of Operation - For Switching To/From Homing Mode.
const int modeOfOpSubindex = 0x0; //
const int modeOfOpByteSize = 1; //
const int modeOfOpValueToHOME = 6; //
const int modeOfOpValueToDEFAULT = 8; //
const int axisControlWordIndex = 0; // This value is just an example. It will likely be different for your topology.
//Desired DS402 Enabled Output.
const int ACCEPTABLE_DELAY_IN_MS = 20;
const int STATUS_WORD_TARGET_REACHED_BIT = 0x400; // Status Bit 10 (0x400) indicates Target Reached (Homing is Complete).
const int STATUS_WORD_HOMING_ATTAINED_BIT = 0x1000; // Status Bit 12 (0x1000) indicates Homing Attained (Homing is Successful).
const int STATUS_WORD_HOMING_ERROR_BIT = 0x2000; // Status Bit 13 (0x2000) indicates Homing Error (Homing ran into a problem).
// Initialize RapidCode Objects
MotionController controller = MotionController.CreateFromSoftware(/*@"C:\RSI\X.X.X\"*/); // Insert the path location of the RMP.rta (usually the RapidSetup folder)
SampleAppsCS.HelperFunctions.CheckErrors(controller); // [Helper Function] Check that the controller has been initialize correctly.
SampleAppsCS.HelperFunctions.StartTheNetwork(controller); // [Helper Function] Initialize the network.
//controller.AxisCountSet(1); // Uncomment if using Phantom Axes.
Axis axis = controller.AxisGet(AXIS_NUMBER); // Initialize Axis Class. (Use RapidSetup Tool to see what is your axis number)
SampleAppsCS.HelperFunctions.CheckErrors(axis); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialize correctly.
//1. CONFIGURE (Writing to SDOs)
axis.NetworkNode.ServiceChannelWrite(offsetIndex, offsetSubindex, offsetByteSize, offsetValue); // Home Offset
axis.NetworkNode.ServiceChannelWrite(methodIndex, methodSubindex, methodByteSize, methodValue); // Home Method (Home type)
axis.NetworkNode.ServiceChannelWrite(targetSpeedIndex, targetSpeedSubindex, targetSpeedByteSize, targetSpeedValue); // Home Speed during search for switch
axis.NetworkNode.ServiceChannelWrite(originSpeedIndex, originSpeedSubindex, orignSpeedByteSize, originSpeedValue); // Home Speed during search for zero
axis.NetworkNode.ServiceChannelWrite(accelerationIndex, accelerationSubindex, accelerationByteSize, accelerationValue); // Home acceleration
axis.Abort(); // Disable axis.
axis.ClearFaults(); // Clear any faults.
axis.AmpEnableSet(true); // Enable the axis to trigger the home start.
axis.rsiControl.NetworkOutputOverrideValueSet(axisControlWordIndex, CONTROL_WORD_TO_PREP_HOMING); // Control Word should be 15 before Switching to Homing Mode.
axis.rsiControl.NetworkOutputOverrideSet(axisControlWordIndex, true); // Override Control Word.
Thread.Sleep(ACCEPTABLE_DELAY_IN_MS); // Delay to give transitions time -or- setup something more complex to ensure drive is in the appropriate state.
axis.NetworkNode.ServiceChannelWrite(modeOfOpIndex, modeOfOpSubindex, modeOfOpByteSize, modeOfOpValueToHOME); // Mode of Operation (Homing Mode = 6)
Thread.Sleep(ACCEPTABLE_DELAY_IN_MS); // Delay to give transitions time -or- setup something more complex to ensure drive is in the appropriate state.
//3. HOME
axis.rsiControl.NetworkOutputOverrideValueSet(axisControlWordIndex, CONTROL_WORD_TO_START_HOMING); // Start Homing.
Thread.Sleep(ACCEPTABLE_DELAY_IN_MS); // Delay to give transitions time -or- setup something more complex to ensure drive is in the appropriate state.
UInt16 statusWordValue; // Takes the axis index. This will return the status word value.
bool cancelHome = false;
statusWordValue = axis.NetworkNode.StatusWordGet(AXIS_NUMBER);
while ((!cancelHome) && ((statusWordValue & STATUS_WORD_TARGET_REACHED_BIT) == 0)) // When Status Word Indicates Target Reached (Success or Fail) or external evaluator (cancelHome)
statusWordValue = axis.NetworkNode.StatusWordGet(AXIS_NUMBER); // Get the status word value (index 0x6060).
//A timeout that sets cancelHome would be a good idea.
if ((statusWordValue & STATUS_WORD_HOMING_ATTAINED_BIT) == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Axis homed.");
else if ((statusWordValue & STATUS_WORD_HOMING_ERROR_BIT) == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Error Occured during homing.");
axis.AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the axis.
axis.rsiControl.NetworkOutputOverrideSet(axisControlWordIndex, false);
axis.NetworkNode.ServiceChannelWrite(modeOfOpIndex, modeOfOpSubindex, modeOfOpByteSize, modeOfOpValueToDEFAULT); // Restore the mode of operation to the control mode you want to run in. Mode of Operation (Default Mode = 8?)
Thread.Sleep(ACCEPTABLE_DELAY_IN_MS); // Delay to give transitions time -or- setup something more complex to ensure drive is in the appropriate state.
catch (Exception e)