MotionController Axis MultiAxis IO IOPoint NetworkNode RsiError
Sample Apps Changelog

RapidCode API


Update Buffer Points sample application.

This application is designed to assist in managing the buffer in streaming motion. The behavior of continuing streaming motion (with the parameter final=false) will increment the MotionID (retrieved by calling MotionIdExecutingGet()). It will also reset the motion element ID to 0 (retrieved with MotionElementIdExecutingGet()).

The number sent points needs to be managed, somehow. This sample does so by using a fixed buffer size and keeping at least one buffer associated with a Motion ID queued. This should be changed as appropiate.

This sample code presumes that the user has set the tuning paramters(PID, PIV, etc.) prior to running this program so that the motor can rotate in a stable manner.
This is a sample program to assist in the integration of your motion controller with your application. It may not contain all of the logic and safety features that your application requires.
#include <cassert>
#include "rsi.h" // Import our RapidCode Library.
using namespace RSI::RapidCode;
void PrintUpdateBufferErrors(RapidCodeObject *rsiClass)
RsiError *err;
bool hasError = rsiClass->ErrorLogCountGet() > 0;
while (rsiClass->ErrorLogCountGet() > 0)
err = rsiClass->ErrorLogGet();
printf("%s\n", err->text);
if (hasError)
void PrintUpdateBufferNetworkErrors(MotionController *rsiClass)
char *err;
bool hasError = rsiClass->NetworkLogMessageCountGet() > 0;
while (rsiClass->NetworkLogMessageCountGet() > 0)
err = rsiClass->NetworkLogMessageGet(0);
printf("%s\n", err);
if (hasError)
void updateBufferPointsMain()
const double TIME_SLICE = 0.001; // 0.001s = 1ms
const int AXIS_COUNT = 1; // number of axes
const int REVS = 5; // number of revolutions
const int RPS = 1; // revs / sec
const int CPS = (int)std::powl(2, 20); // encoder counts per rev (set as appropiate)
const int TOTAL_POINTS = (int)(REVS / TIME_SLICE / RPS); // total number of points
const int BUFFER_SZ = 100; // Number of points to send in a buffer
const int EMPTY_CT = 10; // Number of points that remains in the beffer before an e-stop
// Initizalize the controller from software w/ multiple axes
MotionController *controller;
MultiAxis *multiAxis;
try {
// add an additional axis for the multiaxis supervisor
controller->MotionCountSet(AXIS_COUNT + 1);
// create the multiaxis using the ID of the first free axis (0 indexed)
multiAxis = controller->MultiAxisGet(AXIS_COUNT);
// populate the multiaxis
for (int i = 0; i < AXIS_COUNT; i++)
Axis *tempAxis;
tempAxis = controller->AxisGet(i);
// populate the positions and times
std::vector<double> positions, times;
for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_POINTS; i += AXIS_COUNT)
positions.push_back(i * TIME_SLICE * RPS);
// prepare the controller (and drive)
assert(multiAxis->StateGet() == RSIState::RSIStateIDLE);
// reset the motion ID to 0
multiAxis->MovePT(RSIMotionType::RSIMotionTypePT, &positions[0], &times[0], 1, -1, false, true);
// Establish how to keep track of what blocks have been sent
int curMotionElementID = 0, curMotionID = 0, finalMotionID = 0;
int numPointsToSend = BUFFER_SZ;
int endOfLastSent = 0;
bool exitCondition = false;
// Set up a motion hold gate so we can start buffering blocks
const int motionHoldGate = 3;
controller->MotionHoldGateSet(motionHoldGate, true);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
multiAxis->MovePT(RSIMotionType::RSIMotionTypePT, &positions[0] + endOfLastSent * AXIS_COUNT, &times[0] + endOfLastSent, numPointsToSend, EMPTY_CT, false, exitCondition);
endOfLastSent += numPointsToSend;
// Set up the interrupt frequency period
controller->SyncInterruptPeriodSet(10); // this generates an interrupt every x cycles of a 1KHz sample rate
// With our timeslices of 1ms, this is 10*1ms=10ms
controller->MotionHoldGateSet(motionHoldGate, false); // release the hold gate to start moving
while (!exitCondition)
int32 sampleRecieved = controller->SyncInterruptWait(); // see above for timing
curMotionID = multiAxis->MotionIdExecutingGet(); // this takes an unspecified amount of time (non-rtos) so this is going to be called sometime after the interrupt gets handled.
// There's an additional delay to retrieve the data as well.
curMotionElementID = multiAxis->MotionElementIdExecutingGet();
Each MovePT assigns a new MotionID for each call to a move update (with the bufferred points)
Working under the assumption that each Buffer gets a new ID, send two (or several) smaller ones
and when the change in IDs is greater than some number, send a new one
// change this logic to manage the number of buffered moves (and points) as appropiate
// generate points as appropiate
if (std::abs(finalMotionID - curMotionID) < 2)
// check end condition
if (TOTAL_POINTS <= (endOfLastSent + BUFFER_SZ))
numPointsToSend = TOTAL_POINTS - endOfLastSent; // send the remaining points
exitCondition = true;
multiAxis->MovePT(RSIMotionType::RSIMotionTypePT, &positions[0] + endOfLastSent * AXIS_COUNT, &times[0] + endOfLastSent, numPointsToSend, EMPTY_CT, false, exitCondition);
printf("MotionID %d\nEnd of Last Sent %d\nElement ID %d\nNum to Send %d\nIs Done %s\n===========================================\n\n",
curMotionID, endOfLastSent, curMotionElementID, numPointsToSend, exitCondition ? "yes" : "no");
endOfLastSent += numPointsToSend;
printf("Updates Done. Waiting to finish motion.\n");
printf("Motion Complete. Final Motion ID: %d\tFinal Element ID %d\n", multiAxis->MotionIdExecutingGet(), multiAxis->MotionElementIdExecutingGet());
catch (RsiError const& err) {
printf("\n%s\n", err.text);