The RMP Motion Controller APIs
Math Blocks

Learn how to use Math Blocks to perform real-time mathematical operations on data in the RMP firmware every sample.

What are Math Blocks?

Math Blocks are a powerful feature within the RMP firmware, designed to facilitate real-time mathematical operations on data. These blocks are integral for developing sophisticated control systems, enabling calculations with the assurance of real-time execution, which is crucial for time-sensitive applications.

Every sampling interval, the RMP firmware evaluates each Math Block, allowing for a series of bitwise and mathematical operations on data inputs.

Supported Operations

Math Blocks support a variety of operations, categorized as follows:

Why Use Math Blocks?

Math Blocks are invaluable for data manipulation in real-time scenarios. For instance, calculating an axis's acceleration from velocity data, or determining the ratio between the encoder positions of two axes, are tasks where Math Blocks excel.

Math Blocks can be especially useful when integrated with User Limits to enhance system safety and efficiency. For example, a Math Block could compute the real-time positional difference between two axes. Coupled with a User Limit, the system could automatically halt operations if this difference exceeds a predefined threshold, preventing potential damage or inaccuracies.

The Structure of a Math Block:

Sample Code

This is a sample program to assist in the integration of the RMP motion controller with your application. It may not contain all of the logic and safety features that your application requires. We recommend that you wire an external hardware emergency stop (e-stop) button for safety when using our code sample apps. Doing so will help ensure the safety of you and those around you and will prevent potential injury or damage.

The sample apps assume that the system (network, axes, I/O) are configured prior to running the code featured in the sample app. See the Configuration page for more information.

📜 MathBlock - User Limit on Difference of Position Between Two Axes
MathBlock Operation SUBTRACT: First Axis Position - Second Axis Position Output: none
This sample code demonstrates how to use a MathBlock to calculate the difference of in position between two axes and trigger a UserLimit when the difference exceeds a certain value.

// *NOTICE* The following constants must be configured before attempting to run with hardware.
// Controller Object Counts
const int MATHBLOCK_COUNT = 1; // minimum required MathBlocks for this sample
const int AXIS_COUNT = 2; // minimum required axes for this sample
const int USER_LIMIT_COUNT = 1; // minimum required user limits for this sample
// Axis Configuration
const int FIRST_AXIS_INDEX = 0; // the first axis index
const int SECOND_AXIS_INDEX = 1; // the second axis index
const double USER_UNITS = 1048576; // counts per unit (the user units)
// MathBlock Configuration
const int MATHBLOCK_INDEX = 0; // the mathblock index
// User Limit Configuration
const int USER_LIMIT_INDEX = 0; // the user limit index
const double MAX_POSITION_DIFFERENCE = 0.5 * USER_UNITS; // the maximum position difference before the user limit triggers
const RSIAction USER_LIMIT_ACTION = RSIAction.RSIActionABORT; // the action to take when the user limit is triggered
const int USER_LIMIT_DURATION = 0; // the time delay before the action is executed after the User Limit has triggered
// Motion Parameters
const double RELATIVE_POSITION = 2 * MAX_POSITION_DIFFERENCE; // the relative position to move the axes
const double VELOCITY = 1; // the velocity to move the axes
const double ACCELERATION = 10; // the acceleration of the axes movement
const double DECELERATION = 10; // the deceleration of the axes movement
const double JERK_PCT = 0; // the jerk percentage of the axes movement
// To run with hardware, set the USE_HARDWARE flag to true AFTER you have configured the parameters above and taken proper safety precautions.
// Determine which axis address type to use based on the USE_HARDWARE flag
(RSIAxisAddressType.RSIAxisAddressTypeACTUAL_POSITION) : (RSIAxisAddressType.RSIAxisAddressTypeCOMMAND_POSITION);
// Initialize MotionController class.
// NOTICE: Replace "rmpPath" with the path location of the RMP.rta (usually the RapidSetup folder)
// if project directory is different than rapid setup directory.
MotionController controller = HelperFunctionsCS.CreateController(/*rmpPath*/);
// Use a try/catch/finally to ensure that the controller is deleted when done.
HelperFunctionsCS.CheckErrors(controller); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialize correctly.
// Setup the controller for the appropriate hardware configuration.
HelperFunctionsCS.SetupControllerForPhantoms(controller, AXIS_COUNT, new int[] { FIRST_AXIS_INDEX, SECOND_AXIS_INDEX });
// configure the controller object counts
controller.MotionCountSet(AXIS_COUNT + 1);
// get both axis objects and check for errors
Axis axis0 = controller.AxisGet(FIRST_AXIS_INDEX);
axis0.UserUnitsSet(USER_UNITS); // set the user units (counts per unit)
axis0.PositionSet(0); // set the initial position to 0
axis0.ErrorLimitActionSet(RSIAction.RSIActionNONE); // Set Error Limit Action.
Axis axis1 = controller.AxisGet(SECOND_AXIS_INDEX);
axis1.UserUnitsSet(USER_UNITS); // set the user units (counts per unit)
axis1.PositionSet(0); // set the initial position to 0
axis1.ErrorLimitActionSet(RSIAction.RSIActionNONE); // Set Error Limit Action.
// configure a multiaxis for the two axes
MultiAxis multiAxis = controller.MultiAxisGet(AXIS_COUNT);
multiAxis.Abort(); // make sure the multiaxis is not moving
multiAxis.ClearFaults(); // clear any faults
// read the configuration of the MathBlock
MotionController.MathBlockConfig mathBlockConfig = controller.MathBlockConfigGet(MATHBLOCK_INDEX);
// configure the MathBlock to subtract the position of the second axis from the position of the first axis
mathBlockConfig.InputAddress0 = axis0.AddressGet(INPUT_AXIS_ADDRESS_TYPE);
mathBlockConfig.InputDataType0 = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
mathBlockConfig.InputAddress1 = axis1.AddressGet(INPUT_AXIS_ADDRESS_TYPE);
mathBlockConfig.InputDataType1 = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
mathBlockConfig.ProcessDataType = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
mathBlockConfig.Operation = RSIMathBlockOperation.RSIMathBlockOperationSUBTRACT;
// set the MathBlock configuration
controller.MathBlockConfigSet(MATHBLOCK_INDEX, mathBlockConfig);
// wait a sample so we know the RMP is now processing the newly configured MathBlocks
Console.WriteLine("MathBlock configured to subtract the position of the second axis from the position of the first axis.");
// get the address of the MathBlock's ProcessValue to use in the UserLimit
ulong mathBlockProcessValueAddress = controller.AddressGet(RSIControllerAddressType.RSIControllerAddressTypeMATHBLOCK_PROCESS_VALUE, MATHBLOCK_INDEX);
// configure the UserLimit to trigger when the absolute position difference is greater than MAX_POSITION_DIFFERENCE
controller.UserLimitConditionSet(USER_LIMIT_INDEX, 0, RSIUserLimitLogic.RSIUserLimitLogicABS_GT, mathBlockProcessValueAddress, MAX_POSITION_DIFFERENCE);
// set the UserLimit action to abort motion (Note: since the axes are in a multiaxis, the other axis will also be aborted)
Console.WriteLine("UserLimit configured to trigger when the absolute position difference is greater than " + MAX_POSITION_DIFFERENCE + " and abort motion.");
// command motion to trigger the UserLimit
Console.WriteLine("Moving the axes to trigger the UserLimit...");
axis0.AmpEnableSet(true); // Enable the motor.
axis0.MoveRelative(RELATIVE_POSITION, VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, DECELERATION, JERK_PCT); // Move the axis to trigger the UserLimit.
axis0.MotionDoneWait(); // Wait for the axis to finish moving.
// disable the motor and the UserLimit
axis0.AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the motor.
controller.UserLimitDisable(USER_LIMIT_INDEX); // Disable User Limit.
// the motion should have been aborted and both axes should be in an error state
if (axis0.StateGet().Equals(RSIState.RSIStateERROR) &&
Console.WriteLine("Both axes are in the error state after the UserLimit triggered (This is the intended behavior).");
return 0;
Console.WriteLine("Error: The axes should be in an error state after the UserLimit triggers, but they are not.");
Console.WriteLine("First Axis State: " + axis0.StateGet());
Console.WriteLine("Second Axis State: " + axis1.StateGet());
return -1;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);
return -1;
controller.Delete(); // Delete the controller object.

Learn more in topic page.

📜 MathBlock - Calculate Acceleration From Velocity
MathBlock 0 Operation SUBTRACT: Previous command velocity - current command velocity Output: none
MathBlock 1 Operation MULTIPLY: Current command velocity * 1.0 Output: write to UserBuffer

// *NOTICE* The following constants must be configured before attempting to run with hardware.
// Controller Object Counts
const int MATHBLOCK_COUNT = 2; // minimum required MathBlocks for this sample
const int AXIS_COUNT = 1; // minimum required axes for this sample
// Axis Configuration
const int AXIS_INDEX = 0; // the axis index
const double USER_UNITS = 1048576; // counts per unit (the user units)
// MathBlock Configuration
const int SUBTRACTION_MATHBLOCK_INDEX = 0; // the first mathblock index (for subtraction)
// the second mathblock index (for multiplying CommandVelocity * 1.0)
const int PREVIOUS_VELOCITY_MATHBLOCK_INDEX = 1; // index must be higher here than the subtraction math block index, so the subtraction data is one sample old
const double ONE = 1.0; // we'll write 1.0 to the UserBuffer so the MathBlock can use it for multiplication
const int USERBUFFER_INDEX = 0; // where we'll write 1.0 so the math block can use it
// Motion Parameters
const double VELOCITY = 1.0; // the velocity to move the axis
const double ACCELERATION = 0.123; // something small so we can check the MathBlock is working
// To run with hardware, set the USE_HARDWARE flag to true AFTER you have configured the parameters above and taken proper safety precautions.
// Determine which axis address type to use based on the USE_HARDWARE flag
// Initialize MotionController class.
// NOTICE: Replace "rmpPath" with the path location of the RMP.rta (usually the RapidSetup folder)
// if project directory is different than rapid setup directory.
MotionController controller = HelperFunctionsCS.CreateController(/*rmpPath*/);
// Use a try/catch/finally to ensure that the controller is deleted when done.
HelperFunctionsCS.CheckErrors(controller); // [Helper Function] Check that the axis has been initialize correctly.
// Setup the controller for the appropriate hardware configuration.
HelperFunctionsCS.SetupControllerForPhantoms(controller, AXIS_COUNT, new int[] { AXIS_INDEX });
// configure the controller object counts
// write 1.0 to the UserBuffer so the MathBlock can use it for multiplication
controller.MemoryDoubleSet(controller.AddressGet(RSIControllerAddressType.RSIControllerAddressTypeUSER_BUFFER, USERBUFFER_INDEX), ONE);
// get Axis object and check for errors
Axis axis = controller.AxisGet(AXIS_INDEX);
axis.UserUnitsSet(USER_UNITS); // set the user units (counts per unit)
axis.PositionSet(0); // set the initial position to 0
axis.ErrorLimitActionSet(RSIAction.RSIActionNONE); // Set Error Limit Action.
axis.Abort(); // make sure the axis is not moving
axis.ClearFaults(); // clear any faults
// read the configuration of both MathBlocks
MotionController.MathBlockConfig subtractionConfig = controller.MathBlockConfigGet(SUBTRACTION_MATHBLOCK_INDEX);
MotionController.MathBlockConfig previousVelocityConfig = controller.MathBlockConfigGet(PREVIOUS_VELOCITY_MATHBLOCK_INDEX);
// configure the first MathBlock to subtract the previous velocity from the current velocity
// current velocity:
subtractionConfig.InputAddress0 = axis.AddressGet(INPUT_AXIS_ADDRESS_TYPE);
subtractionConfig.InputDataType0 = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
// previous velocity: (as was calculated by the second MathBlock, so we use its ProcesValue)
subtractionConfig.InputAddress1 = controller.AddressGet(RSIControllerAddressType.RSIControllerAddressTypeMATHBLOCK_PROCESS_VALUE, PREVIOUS_VELOCITY_MATHBLOCK_INDEX);
subtractionConfig.InputDataType1 = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
subtractionConfig.ProcessDataType = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
subtractionConfig.Operation = RSIMathBlockOperation.RSIMathBlockOperationSUBTRACT;
// configure the second MathBlock to multiply the current velocity by 1.0 (which we'll use for the previous sample's velocity)
previousVelocityConfig.InputAddress0 = axis.AddressGet(INPUT_AXIS_ADDRESS_TYPE);
previousVelocityConfig.InputDataType0 = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
previousVelocityConfig.InputAddress1 = controller.AddressGet(RSIControllerAddressType.RSIControllerAddressTypeUSER_BUFFER, USERBUFFER_INDEX);
previousVelocityConfig.InputDataType1 = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
previousVelocityConfig.ProcessDataType = RSIDataType.RSIDataTypeDOUBLE;
previousVelocityConfig.Operation = RSIMathBlockOperation.RSIMathBlockOperationMULTIPLY;
// set the MathBlock configurations
controller.MathBlockConfigSet(SUBTRACTION_MATHBLOCK_INDEX, subtractionConfig);
controller.MathBlockConfigSet(PREVIOUS_VELOCITY_MATHBLOCK_INDEX, previousVelocityConfig);
// wait a sample so we know the RMP is now processing the newly configured MathBlocks
// Set the axis to move with a very small acceleration so we can check the MathBlock is working
axis.AmpEnableSet(true); // Enable the motor.
// wait several samples so we know the RMP is now processing the move command and accelerating
// keep in mind firmware velocity is in counts per sample squared, so we need to convert to UserUnits per second squared
double calculatedAccelerationCountsPerSampleSquared = controller.MathBlockProcessValueGet(SUBTRACTION_MATHBLOCK_INDEX).Double;
// reduce the velocity back to 0
axis.MoveVelocity(0, ACCELERATION);
axis.MotionDoneWait(); // Wait for the axis to finish moving.
axis.AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the motor.
// convert to UserUnits per second squared
double calculatedAcceleration = calculatedAccelerationCountsPerSampleSquared * controller.SampleRateGet() * controller.SampleRateGet() / axis.UserUnitsGet();
Console.WriteLine($"Calculated acceleration from MathBlock: {calculatedAcceleration}");
// check that the newly calculated acceleration is as expected
if (Math.Abs(calculatedAcceleration - ACCELERATION) <= 0.000001)
Console.WriteLine("The MathBlock is calculating the Axis' acceleration by subtracting previous velocity from current velocity.");
return 0;
Console.WriteLine("Error: The MathBlock is not calculating the Axis' acceleration as expected.");
return -1;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);
return -1;
controller.Delete(); // Delete the controller object.

Learn more in topic page.